Holy Spirit Night – What it is

Over the past few months, what has emerged at Holy Spirit Night is a pithy summary of where we have been and who we have become over the last few years. I want you to have a chance to read it.
We are still meeting on Wednesday nights here at my house in West Newton.  We have not been sending weekly announcements.  All are welcome. You are welcome.
7:15pm meet and greet and tea
7:30pm begin sacred space
by 9:30pm we head home


Holy Spirit Night             

Essential shared total       Creative living spark       Ask for help      Gathering

There is Spirit. Spirit is alive, here, now, shared. Spirit is home.

To live it, we start with wholeness. Wholeness is alive, here, now, shared. Wholeness is home.

To live it, we start with earth. Earth is alive, here, now, shared. Earth is home.

To live it, we start with our real lives. Our real life is alive, here, now, shared. Our real life is home.

Our real life is everywhere the home for spirit.

We explore our real life as access to spirit, to wholeness, to this living earth, and to our own deepest Self.  Now is the time… Here is the place… This life is the form… Let us create the event…

Holy Spirit night is a weekly 2-hour shared practice. We practice wholeness by asking to come face to face with where we all start – with self, with need, with will, with help, with earth, and with life itself.

We learn:

to ask for help

to ask for help that helps

to ask for all available help

to ask for help in how we do the asking

We explore health – our worlds of health:

Personal          Social           Civil              Global

Relational        Vital              Universal      Total

Physical           Emotional    Mental        Causal

Human            Nature          Planet          Beyond

We practice how to practice:

Dwell              Work               Ask              Agree

Gather            Breathe          Praise         Invoke

Cause              Create            Give           Grieve

Listen              Speak              Act             Belong

The holiness, wholeness, health, and home we are looking for have room to reclaim:

Self          Living self             Home of self                Our shared self

Need       Living need          Home of need              Our shared need

Will          Living will             Home of will                 Our shared will

Help        Living help            Home of help               Our shared help

Earth      Living earth           Home of earth             Our shared earth

Life         Living Life              Home of life                 Our shared life

Self need will help earth live!

We practice co-creative full communion of home.

Now…  Here…  This…  Home


Working Definitions (just enough to get to work):

Praise – Celebrate and uphold that which we love and which sustains all our love

Invoke – Call into being a dedicated time, place, form and event

Communion – life with life

Holy – Essential. Shared. Total.

Spirit – Creative living spark

Holy SpiritA name for the essential shared total creative living spark that is always available to our requests for solace, advice, help, ease, laughter, and love.

Holy Spirit Night

Holy Spirit Night
January, 2013

At Holy Spirit Night we practice wholeness together

Practice.    Wholeness.   Together.

Once a week we set aside a time and a place and a form in which we open the doors to joy. Joy is shared. Joy is alive. Joy is here. Joy is now. Together, we give joy a hearing. Together, we live what we hear.  The “assignment” we practice each time we gather is simply to see if we are willing to agree that this right now is a time for wholeness.  This right now  is a time and place and form and event that is set aside for co-creative full communion of Human, Nature, Spirit, and Beyond.

All are welcome. You are welcome.

“The Holy Spirit” is a name for an active principle that becomes a pathway. The voice we call the Holy Spirit welcomes all life, embraces all life, and points all life toward joy. The Holy Spirit is reliable. We trust Spirit. We trust Spirit to guide towards communication, creation, communion, and community. These are fruits of the pathway; fruits of the garden.  To the Holy Spirit, wholeness is simply wholeness; all of life is all a blessing; joy is always available; and only joy is truly shared.

Our time together is of no religion and of all religion. Many who have welcomed Spirit and have followed Spirit have returned to tell the story. When we sing the songs and tell the tales of those who have danced with God, our own spirit rises. By raising the spirit, we tune ourselves together like an orchestra or like an instrument.

We have help. We have help from Beyond. We have help from Spirit. We have help from Nature. We have help from each other. We cultivate the willingness and the wisdom to ask for help and to ask for help in how we do the asking!

When you come, participate. Bring your challenges. Bring your courage. Bring the grace that is just now dawning into your awareness; and bring the grace you are longing for with all your heart. Above all, bring your will: bring your deepest willingness and your deepest immovability, which perhaps at the deepest level are one and the same.  The in-tune approach is to show up willing to ask for help; willing to listen with new ears; and willing to speak what you hear.  You may be silent or you may speak. Either way you are a full participant. You belong.

To bring your whole life is to bring your real life. Your real life is necessary and sufficient. Your real life is not an ending point but is an exact right place to start. To follow the trail of your real life is to make of your life a psalm and a prayer and a garden and a blessing, for you and for all.

There are no answers. There is a path to find and follow.

What we find, when we gather in this way, is that something new opens.  We welcome it and follow it. We enter the new door together. There is new intimacy, new trust, new clarity, new certainty. Not the certainty of answers to believe but the certainty of being whole together in the right place at the right time. We continually discover that certainty and mystery and joy and wholeness are each a trail; that all these trails are one; and that all these trails are gentle. Certainty and Mystery are One.

What are the essential parameters of Holy Spirit Night? What makes it a safe space to bring your real life and to get to work?

  1. We make clear the help we are asking.
  2. By inviting co-creative full communion of Human, Nature, Spirit, and Beyond, we establish an exceptional level of clarity and alignment.
  3. We practice the fine art of knowing when to stop.

Words of wisdom come from any corner. We practice speaking whatever we hear that seems to be coming from spirit. What comes from spirit tends to be accurate, timely, helpful, and local. We practice not going beyond the point of wisdom.

The true test of such an arrangement is the quality of the fruit in the lives of those who attend. We observe a rooting and a flowering and a ripening and a harvest of lively peace, discerning trust, care-filled creation, and intimate willingness to love and be loved.